Never underestimate the power of a committed few to change the world.
Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, Anthropologist
Our Story
The Sebastian Hunter Memorial Trust was founded in 2002 when Anna Hunter and her family decided to sponsor and help rebuild a primary school, located in the rural village of Senji Mottur, one of the poorest villages in Tamil Nadu, India. The school was built in memory of her son Sebastian who died at the beginning of what should have been a gifted and productive life.
Today, the trust aims to reach out to the poorest and most vulnerable in Tamil Nadu. Since building commenced at Senji Mottur, the charity and its projects have grown, and we are proud to now be working with four different schools, of all educational levels, an orphanage, a Leprosy Hospital as well as multiple sustainable livelihood projects in the rural Tamil Nadu.
The Sebastian Hunter Memorial Trust has gained support from all over the world, from people who share our dream of educating children who would otherwise not have the chance. Teachers, donors, volunteers, social workers and many more have been inspired by the work of the organization, and strive hard to make its projects a success. By reaching out to the rural poor and marginalized, and striving to provide access to education and livelihoods.
Today, our Projects are partly funded by sales from Nelson Mandela's artworks.
Seb's Legacy
Today every child of school-going age in the tribal villages we work with attends a Seb's school
The performance of Seb's Schools was rated far above the level of the state government schools in Tamil Nadu
Our sponsors are currently supporting 110 students through middle and high school education, 5 young women training to be nurses and 7 students pursuing higher education in college.
A hot nutritious meal is provided to all of Seb's school children and 167 further children under 5 are given noon meals and nutrition supplements.
2 women's self-help groups produce and market their own soap, resulting in each member having their own bank account and supporting their children though school for the first time.
The DREAM project has given over 1350 students the chance to develop their skills and confidence through computing, arts and music.